Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Turkey getting US intelligence on Kurds (AP)
Turkey fears that Iraqi Kurds could set up an independent Kurdish state — Barzani has set that as his ultimate goal — in a move that could fuel separatist sentiments within Turkey.
Comment: Ethiopia is an ally in the war on terror and the US must not invite separatist terrorists to Washington and threaten the stability in Ethiopia. They must learn from the war in Iraq. Ethiopia is one of the most complex countries in the world with over 80 nationalities and the West must be cautious when dealing with extremists and separatists. We don't want to create another Iraq in the horn of Africa. Congress must help Ethiopia in its fight against separatists and terrorists. Congress must not allow these terrorists and extremists to use the halls of Congress as a staging ground to destabilize our ancient nation, Ethiopia.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Abnormal or excessive elation
Unusual irritability
Decreased need for sleep
Grandiose notions
Increased talking
Racing thoughts
Increased sexual desire
Markedly increased energy
poor judgment
inapproopriate social behaviorONLF rebels kill 140 soldiers
Any one who experiences some or all of these symptoms could be categorized as a maniac depending on other additional symptoms that practitioners use to come up with a certain diagnosis. It looks like that most Kinijit leaders and supporters have some or all of the above symptoms.
These thugs are menace to the Ethiopian people. They are very, very sick. No need to waste time and money to treat their sickness. Let them commit suicide. They are worthless!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
ዘረባ ኣይነብዝሕ
Ethiopia replied with its own statement on the web. It notes that the Commission
recognized Ethiopia's full commitment to the demarcation process, and accuses Eritrea of violating the Algiers accord by moving troops into a 25-kilometer Temporary Security Zone.
Comment: ውዕል ተተጣሒሱ ወይ ድማ ተዘይተኽቢሩ ታብ ጥቕሚ ወፃኢ ይኸውን/ይስረዝ!! If the agreement is violated, it becomes null and void. If one fails to pay his/her rent/mortgage, they get evicted for violating the contract! ኣርባዕተ ነጥቢ።
Give Woyane a credit for forcing the Ferenj to return our stolen obelisk
ADDIS ABABA (AFP) - Ethiopia started re-erecting its famed Axum obelisk 30 months after it returned to the country from Italy where it stayed for 70 years, a UN expert said Wednesday.
At its height, the kingdom extended across areas in what are today Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen.
Comment: Now, the Ethiopian chalabis, Kinijit leaders and supporters are backing Ethiopia's enemies , who are determined to disintegrate our ancient nation. We are losing our territories a bit at a time. We lost our access to the sea not long ago folks. And now, neftegnas are tirelessly working with a terrorist organization, ONLF, to once again cede a big chunk of Ethiopian territory. What is going on here? Ferenj neftegnoch, Chris Smith of New Jersey and an African American Donald ቃንዛ also from New Jersey are helping our enemies in the North and in the South-east to weaken our country.
Democracy and justice can be implemented only if one has a country. The opposition leaders and supporters don't even have any respect for the men and women who are dying fighting the enemy and defending our country. Their dream is to snatch power by any means necessary. They think Donald and Chris are going to come to the rescue when Ethiopia's enemies are ready to grab the lands in the North and in the South-east.
Supporters of an opposition party propose a toast when ever a member of our defense forces die in a battle field fighting for our country. Their web pages colorfully display the news posted by their terrorists friends of the alleged deaths of our military personnel as breaking news! This is sickening and nauseating. An opposition party with a link to these anti-Ethiopian web pages must be baned in Ethiopia!
An opposition party with a vision doesn't engage in this kind of hate politics. Instead of appealing to be an inclusive party that would unite all Ethiopians regardless of their race, this party is alienating Tigrians and Oromos from becoming its members and working with terrorists to achieve its goal-to grab power by any means necessary.
We lost Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, the Red Sea, Eritrea and now Ogaden? Yes, folks, that is exactly what Kinijit and its ferenj supporters are set out to do. Once Donald and Chris run out of the cash they received from kinijit taxi drivers and dish washers, they will go somewhere else to get it and sponsor another bill for another opposition party from a different poor African country with meager resources which can't defend itself from these congressional predators.
Parking attendants and taxi drivers work hard to make a living in this country. They are already asking Kinijit leaders where the 1.2 million dollars they contributed is. The money is gone before HR2003 is passed in the senate. Now lobbyists need money to be able to pass this bill, but Kinijit has only $12,000 dollars left. It looks like there are a number of mini-kinijits in America. No cash is flowing and kinijit is going to die right here in the US where it was born slowly but surely for it has no home grown support back home.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The white lies of Neftegna Review and Neftegnamedia
ONLF military operation resulted in 140 Woyannes dead(white lies, terrorist lies)
A counter offensive like this is what was missing from the Ethiopian government. The Neftegna tabloids here can spread rumors and that is exactly how they managed to have HR2003 passed by the House. We must be on the offensive and educate these unsuspecting members of Congress so that they don't create another Iraq in the horn of Africa. I don't want congress to say, "we were misled," "if I knew what I know now, I wouldn't have voted for HR2003," "we were misled by Donald Payne and Christopher Smith etc..."
Ahmad Chalabi lied about the existence of WMD in Iraq and misled Congress and the president. Now Iraq is in a civil war, a messy war between the Sunnis and Shiites which could lead this ancient nation to splinter.
The supporters of HR2003, Amhara extremists are pushing Congress, through Donald Payne's office ,to pass a bill that will punish Ethiopia and Ethiopians. These are the Ahmad Chalabis of Ethiopia with little or no support in Ethiopia. We must educate the senators and House representatives that Ethiopia is home to more than 80 nations and nationalities. Sponsoring a bill which is mainly designed to make it easier for these Ethiopian Chalabis to grab power is going to cause a huge problem in Ethiopia. The Oromos , Tigrians, Gurages, Sidamas and others are not behind this bill and Congress must realize these and other facts about Ethiopia before passing a bill that will facilitate Amhara extremist's wishes to grab power with the help of foreign bills. The Neftegna era is over. Neftegnas must accept the fact that sharing power is the only solution to solve Ethiopia's problems.
Let's take Donald Payne and Chris Smith to Oromia and have them talk to the local people in Oromia. Allow them also to travel to Tigray and have them have a little chat about HR2003. The Oromos and Tigrians will tell them that they will never go back to the neftegna era, never again via bills like HR2003 which are designed to help the neftegnas take Ethiopians back to the dark neftegna Era.
The neftegnas, I think miss, Saying "Tigre Menati," and "Gala Ena Segera Eyadere Yigemal." This is disgusting and we say no to the disgusting neftegnas and we want them to keep their beloved bill and go to bed with it. And if they want to coexist and live peacefully in Ethiopia, fine, but they must not support terrorists and celebrate the alleged deaths of members of our Defense Forces.
The Ethiopian government must make it clear that any political party which has any link to the neftegna and terrorist websites must not be allowed to participate in any election, in fact all of the leaders of the opposition parties who have known links to these anti-Ethiopian web pages must be jailed for supporting the terrorists who are killing our soldiers and destabilizing our country.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Neftegnoch celebrating the deaths of Ethiopian Defense Forces
WARDHEER, Ethiopia- Rebels of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) early Saturday killed 140 government soldiers and wounded many more during a fierce attack 25 km northwest of Wardheer, a military communique of the Front disclosed today
This is it! Now, it is clear that the neftegnamedia and neftegna review are the messengers of the enemy. These are terrorist sites which support the breakup of our country. Since the editors and owners of these sites are terrorists and are the main forces behind HR2003; therefore, I can say that HR2003 is a bill that promotes terrorism in Ethiopia and Ethiopians must fight back to kill this bill before it reaches the President's desk.
A genuine Ethiopian site which stands for united Ethiopia would not celebrate the alleged deaths of soldiers who are giving their life to defend the motherland. An editor of the neftegnamedia, if concerned about the sovereignty of Ethiopia, can't and must not celebrate the alleged deaths of our military personnel in a war zone. This people who are the owners of neftegnamedia and neftegna review must be strongly condemned by all citizens who stand for a united Ethiopia.
Here is the owners of neftegna review sharing their joy with their readers who are all neftegna extremists:ONLF military operation resulted in 140 Woyannes dead!!
I just want to let all neftegnas know that this is outrageous and this is not how you would unite a country which is being attacked by its enemies from all corners to break it up in to pieces and God forbid, if this happens, you must all know that the battle grounds at this time are going to be in your neck of the woods where you and your HR2003 will be shreded and dumped.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Civil war looming in Kinijit nation
The Neftegna Review is even more harsh in its criticism of Hailu Shawel. Here is an article in its entirety about the mother of all splits of a political party:
Ethiopians in Washington DC say no to dictatorship(Neftengna Review)
Ethiopians in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area told Hailu Shawel on Sunday in no uncertain term that they do not support dictatorship.
The people expressed their opposition to dictatorship by not showing up at a public meeting organized by the Shaleqa-EPRP alliance (KIC) for Ato Hailu Shawel.
According to Ethiopian Review sources who were inside the meeting hall, only 300-400 people showed up. Of those who showed up, many of them were relatives and close family friends of Ato Hailu Shawel and his circle of crooked friends who have come from out of town, and idir members. Ato Mogus Brook and friends have come all the way from Los Angeles for the meeting. Some of Shaleqa Yoseph’s friends from Dallas have also been observed. The rest were EPRP members in the Washington DC area and Mirchaw Sinishaw’s church members (yes, he has his own church named ‘Urael’ and a young priest).
The planned protest rally had been called off by the organizers after they observed that there were very few people who were coming to the meeting. Ato Hailu Shawel himself arrived two hours late. But there were 27 Washington DC police officers with riot gear on a stand by.
The audience was told that questions can be submitted only in writing. But later on, toward the end of the meeting, the moderator, Dr Taye, allowed six questions to those whom he hand picked. There was no effort by the organizers to even fake that it was a democratic meeting.
The funniest part of the event is the fund raising. Dr Taye announced that $120,000 have been pledged. This figure includes fake pledges ($1,000s, $5,000s and more) from paltalk rooms. An EPRP web site (ethiolion) donated $1,000. Members of the KIC donated about $20,000 (recycling the money they stole from Kinijit). Wzr. Nigest G/Hiwot, who was brought from Ethiopia by Dr Taye for the meeting, received two cars — one from New York and another from some where in Europe. Wzr. Nigest is scheduled to visit and hold similar meetings in about ten other cities. The way things are going, she can open her own car dealership and stay in the U.S.
Dr Taye was buying all these fake pledges from around the world, including some non-existent European country, and proudly announcing them at the public meeting. Where did Taye get his ph.d.? He should ask for refund.
There was also a financial report. Of the $1.2 million that the Shaleqa group diverted, only $12,000 remain, according to the report.
Ato Hailu made his speech 4 hours after the meeting it started. It is hard to understand what message he was trying to convey. He was unfocused and incoherent. The medicines he is taking may be affecting him.
Sunday’s meeting was aggressively promoted by the EPRP web sites and radio programs. Every known EPRP member was present at the meeting. Without the participation of EPRP members, there would have been less then 100 old people. Even with EPRP’s participation, the average age of the audience is no less than 65 years old. Renaissance Hotel looked more like a nursing home on Sunday afternoon.
This is what is going on in diaspora politics. These are the people who are behind HR2003. These are the people who are trying to lead about 80 million Ethiopians. And this is what is happening in Kinijit nation.
A website that promotes the politics of hate had an article that condemned Professor Mesfin. Amhara extremists expected the professor to say kind words about Berhanu Nega. Isn't that his God-given right to say what ever he wants to say from what he experienced in the past few years? They expect this elderly man to come and join these losers in their tour all over the United States with the leaders of the ONLF who are known terrorist and are determined to break up our beloved Ethiopia. They expected him to say nice words about Donald Payne who is campaining to strengthen Ethiopia's enemies and weaken Ethiopia by passing a bill that has nothing to do with implementing democracy and justice in Ethiopia. They expect him to join these traitors who are determined to ascend to power by any means necessary. They expect him to join the agents of Al quaeda. They expect him to endorse the break up of our country. The professor knows that one has to have a country to lead before he/she can run for a political office. If the leaders of Kinijit are working with known enemies to punish Ethiopia, I think the professor has an obligation to stand up and fight against those who are collaborating with the enemy to disintegrate the nation.
There was this rush, a race to the White House to meet with one of Ethiopia's sworn enemy, Donald Payne. This was a political marathon, a special kind of marathon, where Berhanu and Birtukan were the first to arrive at the finish line on Pensylvannia avenue. The former Kinijit leader finished last, a disappointing run for the accomplished champion in this kind of Political marathon, a unique marathon indeed. His experience as a Derg Minister didn't help here.
After spending about two years in prison, they chose to travel to Washington D.C , right after their release, instead of going to their respective constituencies and talk about any concerns the voters may have.
What worries me is that all Amhara citizens are out of touch. A journalist who works for VOA, an Amhara, expected Pr. Mesfin to endorse Berhanu Nega as Kinijit's leader. She didn't sound like a journalist to the litsners, rather, as a Kinijit supporter who was saddened by the split of the party. I hope she has an insurance, a prescription plan that covers drugs(downers} that will help her cope with her day to day life.
This is what the author of an article on Neftegnamedia said about her:The avalanche of negative words he let loose was enough to worry journalist Tizita, who tried to take Prof. Mesfin to a brighter side, hoping he may have a few kind words for Berhanu this time, and asked him if he read Dr. Berhanu’s Yenetsanet Goh Sikid (The Dawn of Freedom).
A true journalist doesn't expect his/her interviewee to say what he/she expects him/her to say. This journalist, Tizita, whom I support with my tax dollars, must be fired for not doing her job right.
Now we are in a civil war in an imaginary nation called "Kinijit Nation." The war is raging accross the world from India to the United States to Europe. The good news is that the war is contained and not spreading. It is only raging with in Kinijit Nation. The victims of the war are those taxi drivers, parking attendants and dish washers who supported Kinijit over the past several years. They don't know where the 1.2 million dollars they collected is. They know some of it was spent on lobbyists to pass bills like HR2003, but they don't know where the bulk of the money they contributed was spent. Some of them are accusing Hailu Shawel of stealing and the war is raging and again the victims at this time are not Tigrians, but the founders of Kinijit,its supporters, Donald Payne himself and of course the neftegnoch.
May God help Donald Payne and his boys.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The split of Kinijit: The mother of all splits
But three months on, the opposition Coalition of Unity and Democracy (CUD) is divided and demoralised. Its battle for change is being fought, instead, by members of the U.S. Congress who passed a law linking democratic reform to future security aid.
"Prison didn't weaken CUD, they weakened themselves. The CUD was an amalgamation of different groups, different ideas and different personalities so it was weak by its very nature," said Yoseph Tesfaye, an international relations teacher
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
To the Ekekam of all Ekekams
Believe me I will work on your Ekek. If the potions fail to treat your Ekek, I will make a nice cocktail for you to drink and end your boring Ekekam life.
In ten years or so, Eritrea will be a ghost country
Eritrea is having trouble getting enough wheat and milk for its people, and in the past few months long ration lines have formed. Shoppers sometimes wait for hours for a single loaf of bread. The country's few private industries are in trouble. In 1997, the Dahlak Share Company cranked out five million pairs of sandals, boots and snazzy leather dress shoes. Now, it produces one million.
"Most of our products used to go to Ethiopia," said Tamirat Tewelde, the factory's marketing manager. (Iht)
Comment: We Ethiopians must choke this terrorist nation and watch it become a ghost country. The Eritreans killed hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians in the last 30 years and they are still trying to splinter and tear our country apart by supporting terrorists both inside and out side of Ethiopia. Government officials who try to reconcile with the terrorist nation of Eritrea must be thrown out of power. Period. The worst is yet to come!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I'm lovin it
Reflection on Hailu Shawel and his crooked friends - audio
Ethiopians in Washington DC said NO to dictatorship
Hailu Shawel arrives in DC where he faces angry Ethiopians
What happened? I thought he was one of their beloved leader, a man with enormous experience as a former Derg minister. Well, the man is sick. He is suffering from diabetes. He deserves our help. He is suffering from neuropathic pain which requires treatment with expensive drugs such as Gabapentin to soothe the tinglings on his feet and to lower his fluctuating blood sugar with the oldest drugs like Glipizide or may be Glyburide. Let's help this guy. He is our hero(killed tens of thousands of students during the Derg era). He sometimes can be incoherent because of his condition and that is perfectly OK. All we have to do is buy him a couple packages of glucose tablets to keep handy for use during episodes of hypoglycemia. I just feel bad for him. It is sad!!
I probably can help here to save our hero, Mr. Hailu Shawel. If you are blaming him for the money that is not accounted for, you probably have to travel to New Jersey and locate Mr. Donald Payne's freezer. Life sucks!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Neftengnaw: This is for you!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Jena - John Mellencamp Music Video
I posted this music on my blog exclusively for Donald Payne and Madam Gomez. Amhara extremists, please forward this song to your friend Donald Payne!!!