Bomb on bus kills 7 in Ethiopia
It time for the sons and daughters of Atse Yohannes and Alula Aba Nega to wake up and bring the Eritrean regime down. What are waiting for? We have nothing to lose as far I am concerned. The West is not going to come to our rescue, the West is not a partner in our fight to eradicate poverty in Ethiopia. A campaign by the French and Italians to stop the building of dams that will enable us to expand the use of electricity through out the country is one example to why we shouldn't allow the West interfere in our affairs. A nation with out power as we know can't eradicate poverty and feed its people. Electric power is crucial to our development. Let's use our waters for they are ours. We don't get Oil from the Saudis for free, we don't get the proceeds from the Millions of dollars that Egypt earns from its tourist industry.
I suggest that, Ethiopia, as the sole owner of the bulk of the water that flows to the Nile, must start charging the Egyptians and the Sudanese $100 dollars per barrel of water. We can't be told by the Arabs in Egypt not to use our waters when our people are starving from the lack of water when we have plenty of it. We can't be told by the Arabs in Egypt and their allies not to build dams for hydroelectric power in our country.
But, first we must eradicate the threat to our development and existence which is the Shaebia army!!
Wufer Tebeges!!!