
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Give Woyane a credit for forcing the Ferenj to return our stolen obelisk

Ethiopia re-erects ancient Axum obelisk

ADDIS ABABA (AFP) - Ethiopia started re-erecting its famed Axum obelisk 30 months after it returned to the country from Italy where it stayed for 70 years, a UN expert said Wednesday.

At its height, the kingdom extended across areas in what are today Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen.

Comment: Now, the Ethiopian chalabis, Kinijit leaders and supporters are backing Ethiopia's enemies , who are determined to disintegrate our ancient nation. We are losing our territories a bit at a time. We lost our access to the sea not long ago folks. And now, neftegnas are tirelessly working with a terrorist organization, ONLF, to once again cede a big chunk of Ethiopian territory. What is going on here? Ferenj neftegnoch, Chris Smith of New Jersey and an African American Donald ቃንዛ also from New Jersey are helping our enemies in the North and in the South-east to weaken our country.

Democracy and justice can be implemented only if one has a country. The opposition leaders and supporters don't even have any respect for the men and women who are dying fighting the enemy and defending our country. Their dream is to snatch power by any means necessary. They think Donald and Chris are going to come to the rescue when Ethiopia's enemies are ready to grab the lands in the North and in the South-east.

Supporters of an opposition party propose a toast when ever a member of our defense forces die in a battle field fighting for our country. Their web pages colorfully display the news posted by their terrorists friends of the alleged deaths of our military personnel as breaking news! This is sickening and nauseating. An opposition party with a link to these anti-Ethiopian web pages must be baned in Ethiopia!

An opposition party with a vision doesn't engage in this kind of hate politics. Instead of appealing to be an inclusive party that would unite all Ethiopians regardless of their race, this party is alienating Tigrians and Oromos from becoming its members and working with terrorists to achieve its goal-to grab power by any means necessary.

We lost Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, the Red Sea, Eritrea and now Ogaden? Yes, folks, that is exactly what Kinijit and its ferenj supporters are set out to do. Once Donald and Chris run out of the cash they received from kinijit taxi drivers and dish washers, they will go somewhere else to get it and sponsor another bill for another opposition party from a different poor African country with meager resources which can't defend itself from these congressional predators.

Parking attendants and taxi drivers work hard to make a living in this country. They are already asking Kinijit leaders where the 1.2 million dollars they contributed is. The money is gone before HR2003 is passed in the senate. Now lobbyists need money to be able to pass this bill, but Kinijit has only $12,000 dollars left. It looks like there are a number of mini-kinijits in America. No cash is flowing and kinijit is going to die right here in the US where it was born slowly but surely for it has no home grown support back home.

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